I agree with Laurach- calling a kid a little bugger either means they're squirmy and a tad annoying (won't sit still) but cute, they're imitating a parent or older sib in an adorable way ( "Just look at the little Bugger!" _____said proudly), or are just plain adorable- though I haven't really even heard it used lately.

Bloody isn't even a swear word over here- at least not really. I don't think I've ever really heard it spoken in a conversation- just in a movie or two.
I don't like the F word at all- but you hear it a lot in school- maybe around 8 times a day -(and my friends don't say it- so that's from overheard conversations, like at lunch when people talk too loud to be ignored.) so I've sorta become desensitized- it pretty much has no shock value anymore. I still won't use it though, and don't much like reading it- if I actually realize it's that word and not just a swear word in general- I've read it so much my mind really doesn't notice it- unless it's repeated a lot.

As to the thong/sandals- they're called flipflops here and the thong is what you call the plastic thing that goes between two of your toes- though I believe calling it that over here originated after the actual thong- we even have book thongs now (Bookmarks) named after it

Sh-- really has little impact. It's still a bad word so I don't use it, but people use it like it is a generic mild bad word. Unless someone's suprised, shocked, or in trouble and says oh s--- it's not used too much. It even seems to be phasing out a little here- people tend to use oh F--- instead. It's still pretty common in writing though- in stories I find on the internet- and it passes just fine though editors and moniters for kids to teens stuff.

Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment. ~Robert Benchley