Originally posted by LabRat:
Bugger...that would depend on the context and may well be a cultural divide. It's not considered a strong word at all here in the UK. In fact, it's considered very mild. I have no idea what the status of it is outside the UK, however, and it may well be that elsewhere it's considered stronger.

LabRat smile
Hmmm... I always thought that that was a rather strong swear word in the UK, akin to the F word since when I first heard of it it was associated with perverted sex.

Just did a yahoo search and the first thing it brings up is Bugger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Same results with Google.

So, it has a broader meaning. Still, I would find it surprising if it turned up in a FOLC FanFic.



“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

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