The f- word...

I certainly don't use it in English. Never, ever.

But there's this word, its Greek equivalent. It's considered a very bad curseword; telling someone to 'f#$% off' is one of the worst things you can tell them.

But there's an exception. In Greek, when something goes wrong, you can say 'Oh, f#$% it!' (as if you were saying 'Oh, f#$%!' in English) and, while I avoid using it in front of parents/teachers, it's pretty much acceptable. Now, if you were to replace 'it' with anything else (which is something that many people do), it would become a very heavy curseword again.

When you think about it, it's weird.

(I don't swear much - in fact, I swear much less than most people I know. But 'f#$% it' is something I do say. Always with 'it', though.)

See ya,

What we've got here is failure to communicate...