hope you havnt finnished yet...\\

just wanna say that i think it depends on how old the girl is whether or not she uses familar or formal/polite speech to superman...

8 would be the oldest i could see using the familar form... any older and then they realise they have to be polite... between 5-8 children tend to slip in and out of familiar and formal, not realising to whom they are speaking to... and any younger than that would definately be familiar as even though he is a "godlike figure" they do not know enough of their language to distinguish bettween the formal and informal

but btw...
on a more L+C based note.... does Lois know spannish... i didnt think so....
from untrawoman all the languages are learnt, and are not a superpower.... so i dont think you couuld work that into the story

good luck

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