Thanks Anna. You're right in your suggestions. Except I have trouble with this:

Por favor, no preguntes. Y por favor, no hables de eso con otros. (familiar form)
Por favor, no pregunte. Y por favor, no hable de eso con otros. (polite form)
To translate "don't ask" and "don't talk", we have to use the imperative form "no pregunta" et "no habla", and not the subjonctive present tense "no preguntes" and "no hables". That would be wrong to say it that way.

But you noticed a couple of faults that I am ashamed (I wouldn't never have made them 8 years ago):

wrong: "No hablaro. Tienen miedo de el."
right: "No hablare. Tienen miedo de el."
my god, I'm really ashamed of that one. I knew it, that was "hablaré". Eck, I used the future correctly in others sentences but here, I typed a silly thing. I'm running to hide.