Here's the good news. I'm about to make all you guys look really, really good.

Here's the bad news. My word count hasn't gone up in days. Okay, so I have some handwritten notes that will help up the number of words when I can find the time to put them on the computer, but... Here's what my last week looked like:

Tuesday: work during the day. Evening spent travelling. Night in a hotel that, quite frankly, verged on being sleazy. The owners had nailed down everything that they possibly could, no free biscuits with the complimentary tea / coffee, a choice of films that raised the eyebrows... Don't get me started on the bedspreads...! And this was the fairly expensive hotel my employers had arranged for me to stay in! At least there was a sturdy chain on the bedroom door.

Wednesday: up very early. More travel. Day long meeting, which was both useful and interesting. Wednesday afternoon / evening. More travel. Meeting with friends. smile smile

Thursday, Friday, Saturday: Great fun with said friends. We did a lot. Had a lot of fun. But writing wasn't very high on my agenda.

Sunday: Travel. Made notes for the story on a train. Then two and three-quarter hours on the bus. I can't write on buses. I can barely *read* on buses! That's okay, though, because the scenery is too beautiful to ignore, anyway. Got home, by which time it was almost dark. (Not that that means a lot. It gets dark pretty early here.) Had to cram my weekend chores into one evening.

Monday: Work. Then useful stuff that had to be done in the evening.

Tuesday: Work. Unscheduled nap in the evening. Now off to bed.

What makes matters worse is that I'm likely to be on holiday later this month, so I'm not sure how practical it will be to write anything then.

Oh, well. Now everyone else looks really good. Maybe that's my role in this -- to 'come last' and make everyone else shine in comparison! wink
