Oh, all right. I'll sign up for this. <Gibber, gibber, what on earth am I thinking of? Am I out of my little mind?>

I'm trying to write my fundraiser story, but I have a very low word count at present. This wouldn't be a bad thing, except the story won't let me know how long it wants to be. It was supposed to be reasonable short, but new scenes keep demanding to be written, and not in any useful kind of order, either.

So, as much to give you a laugh as anything else, here are my word counts as of the end of each day:

1 Nov: 1595
2 Nov: 2253
3 Nov: 2830
4 Nov: 2830 (I was out all day -- work stuff)
5 Nov: 2911 (Again, I was out -- fun stuff, this time. Huge amounts of fun, in fact, with two seperate events on one day. All day meeting relating to non Lois and Clark activities, followed by bonfire night shenanigans down by the loch. Now I know what a Big Event looks like in a very small town. wink )

Actually, the current state of affairs may not be quite so dire as this suggests. I do have some hand-written prose just waiting to be typed up, so that might nudge me over the 3000 word mark. wink

I might have some spare time today, though next week is shaping up to be busy.


P.S. In case anyone is interested, the story is called Life In Sepia.