Yeah, I keep telling myself that any writing is better than none. I don't know what's been happening to my weekends, but this is the second one that was a total wash:
Friday--16 words
Saturday--100 words
Sunday--568 words
Monday--640 words.

I was sort of disappointed that I was only hitting about 600 words each of the past 2 days instead of 770, but maintaining that rate would still be better than what I've been doing any other time this month. Besides, I finally finished Act 1, which puts me about 1/3 the way through ... and halfway through the month. Well, I'll keep trying. Without the push of NaFinWipsMo, I wouldn't be this close.

I started the month with 5768 words that had taken me the entire month of October to write, and in the two weeks since November 1, I've written another 4563 words, so this is working much, much better. I've got to get in the habit of leaving a little note that says [fix this later] instead of struggling with individual scenes, conversations, etc.

/me chants: Get the story down, get the story down. Edit later!

Sheila Harper
Hopeless fan of a timeless love story