Well, I was thinking, "No idea...", then my eye caught the first paragraph...Superman...Clark...bandage...hmmmmmm...suspicious little musings running around in my head...check on the Archive to see if I'm right and...

Yes, it's Trust Me, I'm A Reporter by Yvonne.

Okay, probably a way too easy one but try this:

Clark was starting to get angry with himself. He had been so stupid! The whole day, he had endured being half blinded by that blot on his glasses, just because he thought Lois would recognize him at the first glimpse she had of him
without his glasses. He'd felt so embarrassed just now. He was wondering how he could have been such an idiot. The only thing that cheered him up was that at least his glasses were clean. What a fool he was.

At the other end of the room, Lois returned to her desk with a big grin on her face. This had been a perfect day for her. Seeing Clark fighting all day against his glasses, trying to find a place where he could be alone to take them
off. And she had made sure he would never succeed. Oh yeah, she was having far too much fun with this. If only Clark knew. If only he knew that she had found out about his secret identity almost one week ago...

But she wasn't about to tell him. She was having so much pleasure hearing his poor excuses and hearing him talk about himself in the third person. And that thing about his glasses. That was the funniest of all. She wanted to wait
till he was ready to tell her, and only then would she tell him she'd been laughing at him all this time. This was really getting exciting.
Hope this hasn't been used already! CC, you choose another one if it has. <G>

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers