Since it's been a while I cheated a bit laugh , and found The Persistence of the Memory by Zoomway... if you like Wells meddling don't miss it wink

back with an evil one... but a clue! wink

"You aren't human!" Her voice was accusing.

"Neither are you...neither is my son." Clark's voice was mild,
holding a small trace of amusement.

Sarah's face snapped around to stare at Calvin. "*You should have told me.*"

"*It wasn't my secret to tell.*"

"*How could you bring me to the house of someone like this?*"

It took Calvin a moment to realize that she thought Clark was a New
Kryptonian deserter.

His father sighed. "*You still don't understand.*"

Both Calvin and Sarah stared at Calvin's father, and they both
blushed when they realized that their conversation hadn't been
private. Calvin had never realized that his father was so
telepathically skilled.

Clark Kent stood and clapped his hands. Calvin sighed. He'd always
been embarrassed that his parents actually owned an antique clapper.

The window curtains all began to close. When the room was completely
closed off, Clark Kent began to spin in place.

At least he had chosen to wear the suit under his clothes this time.
Calvin had been occasionally embarrassed by his ability to see what
his father was doing at superspeed. For Sarah's sake, he was
grateful. It was hard enough to see that Superman had a human life;
she wasn't ready yet to see him in his underwear. That would have to
wait until at least the third date.
Jose smile1

"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way."

Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial

A Bad Week in the Wizengamot