Oh, I adore this moment! And this story!!! It's CC Aiken's When The World Finds Out.

Okay, here we go again:

"Don't say never. There's something I haven't told you. I've wanted to for weeks ... months. But I couldn't ... as long as you were going to marry Luthor."

She bit her lip. "If it was something that Lex could have used to hurt you, you were probably right."

"He could have," Clark said, slowly. "He definitely could have. There's no question of that. I should have told you afterwards, though." He pushed himself shakily up on his elbow again and raised his free hand to remove his glasses. "Luthor lured me to the basement of Lex Tower -- his wine cellar. He wanted me to use my influence to convince Clark Kent to attend your wedding. He couldn't know, of course, that he was speaking to Clark. I told him I wouldn't do it -- that I'd use every power at my disposal to stop the wedding. That's when he told me that he had no more use for me. He dropped the cage over me. The bars were coated with Kryptonite, and I couldn't get away. I was there for over a day. I thought I was going to die there." He raised his face to let her look him directly in the eyes. "Look at me, Lois. Tell me who you see."


It was all falling into place.

Lois stared at her partner's naked face, unmasked by the horn-rimmed glasses. In the past week she had discovered that many of the things she thought she knew weren't true at all. She
shouldn't have been surprised.

Superman's face. Superman.
Guess away!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*