Oh! Oh! I know this one! This is Wendy's fantastic The Dark Side of Christmas . /me jumps up and down at having actually guessed one right <g>

Here's your new cluechie:

"Lois, I'm Superman," Clark responded.

Lois almost burst out laughing. He had just taken lying to an all new level. Everyone knew that when you lied, you should at least attempt to make the lie believable - something that couldn't be disproved - but Clark... It suddenly occurred to Lois that she had never seen Clark without his glasses before - not even when they'd made love earlier. When she'd tried to remove them, he'd stopped her - making a comment about wanting to be able to see her. But in spite of never having seen him without his glasses, he looked... familiar somehow. In fact, he looked a lot like... She gasped.

"You want to know where I was tonight," Clark continued rising to his feet and making his way to the television. He turned it on and switched the channel to LNN.
Julie cool

Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?

(The X-Files)