I should never have asked this. I think one of my ribs just cracked!!!! <bg> ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe it... The man I hate more than anyone else... the one that took away from me the woman I love... is my son??
"No, darling, I'm not dead. I was kidnapped. When I managed to escape, I was hit by a car. That knock on the head made me think I was a character from a novel I've been secretly writing. But that's all in the past. I'm okay now. We can start our new life together..."
"You've got to help me! My slightly unattractive sister has gone insane with jealousy! She trapped me down a well and, now that I've finally escaped, she's trying to hunt me down like an animal!"
"The horse! He remembers you! You are my long-lost husband!"
"No, I'm not just a stableboy. I'm your bastard half-brother, and our father, in his guilt, left me everything in his will. Now, son of the man who used to beat me without warning or seeming reason, get out of my house!"
"No, don't hurt him! He's not my son! He's the bastard child of my evil twin brother! We all thought he was dead, but he actually had amnesia and thought he was a poor innocent door-to-door salesman. He remembered me when the chemotherapy drugs started to affect his mind. I promised him on his deathbed that I'd raise the child as my own and never tell him of his father's shame."
Felicia, who is this and what is he doing in our bedroom?
Oh, my god, it's my husband, he's not really dead after all.

Death: Easy, Bill. You'll give yourself a heart attack and ruin my vacation.

Meet Joe Black