I watch way too many soap operas for my own good -had to let go the last year or so because of my work/school schedule, but I can probably tell you every story line that's ever happened on about 4 different soap operas. help

Just some one-liners (or maybe two-liners) off the top of my head that go with some ridiculous story lines:

Alec, I love you; I'll always love you. But we can't get married. [Sob] You're my brother.

And like Kaethel suggested, the ever popular oops pregnancy:
Cliff, you can't marry Nina. I'm pregnant with your baby!

Or the all-time favorite back from the dead character:
Felicia, who is this and what is he doing in our bedroom?
Oh, my god, it's my husband, he's not really dead after all.

Hmm...back-from-the-dead-character...why am I having flashes of Lex?!? laugh

One of my favorites:
Just-finished wedding:
"I now pronounce you husband and wife."
Door slams open.
Presumed dead wife - "Am I too late? Cord, this is your son." Hands baby to groom, collapses on floor.

Doesn't work as well for a one-liner, but good soap scene nonetheless. <g>

Hmmm...I've got a tape of daytime soap operas greatest weddings - there's gotta be some good lines in there, might have to research. wink

Jill goofy

Beaker: Special Talents: Scientific assistant, Victim
Last Book Read: "1001 Meeps to a Bigger Vocabulary"
Quote: "Meep! Meep! Meep!"
Never Leaves Home Without: Medical Coverage