For some reason, trying to remember all these lines I've watched in mexican soap-operas (I used to be a BIG, BIG fan) is making me ROTFLOL. (BTW, Julie, I love your lines.)

Taken from various of the aforementioned mexican soap-operas:

Don't shoot, (put name here), he's our son!!
You never loved me, (put name here). All you wanted was my money!
I can't believe it... The man I hate more than anyone else... the one that took away from me the woman I love... is my son??
I love her more than my own life [typical laugh ].
She can never love you, she only loves me!
You're no good enough for him!
Please, forgive me, (put name here).
You killed him!!

I chose the cliche-iest, Sara laugh


What we've got here is failure to communicate...