Yeah, I know I'm risking death by disembowelment by mentioning this :p but I have a WIP I'm currently working on that demands Lois turning up the volume on her television while watching Ivory Tower... and I'm stuck on what one character could say to another. Some kind of climax... some sort of typical soap-operaish corny line. I've been wracking my brain for days trying to think of a scenario, but since the height of soap opera over here is "Fair City", I don’t have very good examples to go by, and it's sort of essential to this scene...

So... I guess what I'm asking for is for some brilliant, amazing, incredible person to come up with some random line that I can throw in there - looking for a humorous effect if at all possible. It can be as weird as you guys like wink but it would be helpful if it made some sort of logical sense. Once I have it, it hopefully won't be too long before I have this done and dusted smile

Thanks in advance for any replies smile


Death: Easy, Bill. You'll give yourself a heart attack and ruin my vacation.

Meet Joe Black