Tales Out of the Church by Irene Dutch laugh

She waited there for a few minutes before heading to the
restroom with the letter clutched tightly in her hand.
There she could be alone to read the all-important note.
She walked into a stall and latched it behind her. She
would not be interrupted now. She opened the letter and
began to read.

"Dear Lois,

I'm sorry, but I have to leave Metropolis. What I told you
before about going to Smallville isn't true; I really don't
know where I'm going. Please believe me when I say that I
don't want to leave you.

Lois, before I leave, I want you to know that I love you. I
have loved you from the moment I saw you in Perry's office.
I know that you probably want to know the real reason that
I have to leave. Here's my answer: I am Superman. If I
stay, I put the entire city in danger. More importantly, I
put *you* in danger. I can't stand the thought of somehow
hurting you. So I'm leaving. I love you, Lois.

Yours Forever,

Clark Kent
Jose hyper

"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way."

Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial

A Bad Week in the Wizengamot