It's Big Boys Do Fly by Wendy Richards.

I hope this is a new one. wink

She had made her revelation, and now it was time to
make his. The rational part of him told him it was only
fair. There was a time when he would wonder what such a
revelation would mean to her, what she would think of him
if she knew his secret, but he no longer cared. It didn't
matter, anyway. Their relationship was over.

"Lois," he said, his voice calm and authoritative. He
clenched his jaw and placed his hands on his hips, striking
the posed that Superman was famous for. As he gazed at her,
he molded his face into an expression that left no doubt
that there would be no escaping her fate this time.

She stared at him for a moment, her expression unchanged,
before she narrowed her eyes and turned her head ever so
slightly. She gazed at his face for what seemed like an
eternity, then slowly shifted her attention to his chest.
The realization of who and what he was set in slowly,
revealing itself in her eyes, which widened as far as he
thought they possibly could, before widening even further.
Her shoulders hunched over and her chest heaved with heavy
intake of breath before she let out a whimper, and the gun,
once clenched so tightly in her hands, fell to the ground
with a dull clatter.

"Clark...." she whispered, backing hastily toward the wall.
The revelation seemed to have jarred her back into reality,
chasing away all the bad thoughts that she had once held.
In their stead came an irrational, almost child-like fear.
In all the scenarios that he had run through in his mind,
he had imagined her reaction to the fact that he was
Superman to be severe, ranging from anger to hurt to shear
disbelief. But never had he envisioned the raw fear that
she was feeling.
Elena smile1

Methos: "I'm easily amused."

(Indiscretions - Highlander: The Series)