Found it! Page 16 of Fanfic Archive no. 2 on Zoom's boards. Henry Higgins Head by Shadowfax.

New quote:

Her voice came to an abrupt halt when something clicked in
Lois' mind. As if someone had suddenly flicked a switch, light
flooded into Lois' previously clouded mind. She began almost
gasping for air as the pieces of the puzzle began tumbling into
place with amazing speed. And it all suddenly made sense. In
fact, it was the only thing that did.

"You can cut it down to two choices," she began softly,
although speaking to him, addressing herself more. "Superman
doesn't think I would love him as an ordinary man - an ordinary
man I've already met and rejected... You both tell me you love
me using the same words... I've never seen you together, but
you're supposed to be friends... You're always able to get in
touch with him... And that stupid disappearing act of yours...
Omigod," Lois finally gasped.
This should be an easy one to figure out.


I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once.