Better Out Than In by Yvonne Connell.

Back in a little while with a quote.


Okay, finally back. Hope this one hasn't been given before.

Too nervous to face him as she spoke, she turned her back and started to wander about his spacious living-room. She paused in front of his well-stocked bookshelves, as much as a delaying tactic as searching for inspiration. <Say something, Clark! Help me out here!>

As she began to speak again, she noticed a book on his shelf, one she would never have imagined Clark reading. Pulling out Nancy Friday's 'Women's Sexual Fantasies,' she turned to Clark and asked him, "How come you have this?"

Clearly he saw the question as a non-sequitur, for he blinked for a moment. Then he flushed when he saw which book she was holding. "Oh, that," he muttered. "It was a present," he added more firmly. "From a very old and very close friend."

Lois's breath caught in her throat as she suddenly felt time appear to movein slow motion. She swung back to Clark's bookshelves, suddenly noticing lots of other old friends there... Austen, Dickens, O. Henry, 'An Evil Cradling,' 'The Time Machine'... it could be a coincidence, but now she was very sure it wasn't.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.