Originally posted by John Lambert:
On the other hand, it seems that Superheroes don't chose their own name. Clark is always named by Lois, so doesn't that mean that Lois should be named by Clark?
Actually, Clark (or was it Superman) *did* name her Ultra Woman.

Wouldn't it be funny if Jimmy named her something awful like the Gorgeous Great Girl? The scene could go something like this:

PERRY: What's her name?

CLARK: Uh... I don't know. She didn't say.

PERRY: We've got to call her something.

JIMMY: Well, she's gorgeous and she's great and she's a girl.

PERRY: <<channeling J. Jonas Jameson>> I love it! Okay, Kent, write it up. Gorgeous Great Girl saved Earth from giant asteroid!

Therefore, Clark gets accredited for the awful name. The name, therefore, is a roadblock for GGG and Clark (and for Lois and Clark). Clark's annoyed that Lois gets all the Great Girl exclusives. And Lois is annoyed that Clark gets all the Superman exclusives. Meanwhile, Great Girl and Superman meet secretly in the clouds above Metropolis. So, Great Girl and Superman hook up, and Lois and Clark have animosity for one another. evil

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.