Originally posted by Christina:
It's getting hard to remember what has and has not been done. Is there any chance we can get a compiled list of all the jobs thus far?
How's this? I've also renumbered as appropriate. If I've made any errors, please point them out to me and I'll be happy to correct them.

This list has been growing quite rapidly. smile


1) Clark owns the "Super-Speedy Delivery Service." His motto? When it absolutely, positively has to be there in the next minute.
2) Clark decides to be a beach bum. He becomes a living metal detector and lives off the spare change he finds on the beach.
3) Clark gets a security job at an airport.
4) Clark could work as a CT scanner in a hospital. (Wait, that's a machine? Doesn't matter.)
5) Alternately, he could step in for the X-ray apparatus or.... whatever.
6) With his vision gizmo thingy, he could easily live of mining gold. Or gems.
7)He could be "Big Brother". (As in, "Big Brother is watching you.")
8)Kryptonian super translation service: Translations into more than 100 languages.
8a) I guess a linguist, which works well with the "well traveled" thing he did as most linguists are also anthropologists (admittedly usually specializing in a single language but why stop at one?)
9) Tavel agent Kent: Has been everywhere, knows every special little out-of-the-way place in the world.
10) Superman Airline. 'Nuff said.
10a) "Offering discrete private travel for the right price!
11) He'd be a firefighter, think about those miraculous saves and surprise cold winds!
12) He's a policemam
13) He's a writer (way overused variant in fanfic)
14) He's a clown in the Metropolis version of the Ringling Brothers Circus
15) He's an illusionist (using his powers to make the "magic" happen.) Slight of hand is nothing to an alien with superspeed!
16) He's a sports star! (see Superman Inc. comic for the backstory)
17) If there's a version of Barnum's Museum, he'd be "the alien from afar!"
18) Chef - speciallizing in gourmet lunches in five minutes or less.
18a) Clark makes cuisine with an International style (meaning he create a wide variety of dishes from all over the world).
18b) Clark also does catering on request
19) Cooking Teacher - If he can even teach Lois how to boil water (or burn bacon, whatever), he can teach anyone.
20) Farmer
21) Deep sea diver (explorer)
22) Pearl diver
23) Underwater Treasure Hunter
23a) His business partner is Aquaman.
24) Teacher:
24a) Elementary school because he's great with kids (because as a high school teacher none of his female students would pass due to )
24b) English
24c) Wood working
24d) Welding (I know , they do teach this is some schools!)
24e) Coach
25) Pipe and cable "diviner" for the construction industry.
26) He could probably establish a career as an 'actor', using the stage name of 'Superstud'.
27) Professional Wrestler with the same name.
27a) Wrestler's name would be Studmuffin.
28) He could earn a living as a Dean Cain impersonator.
29) Personal trainer - because who *wouldn't* be motivated to look like him?
30) Male model - because who *doesn't* want to look *at* him?
31) Astronaut - those space-walks would be a cinch!
32) Moving man - Grand piano need to get up five flights of stairs? No probelem.
33) Drug sniffing "dog" - the nose knows!
34) Librarian-all that encyclopedic knowledge would come in handy, plus think about those nerdy ladies and retirees drooling over him!
35) Jeopardy contestant - All that random trivia he knows would allow him to compete...forever.
35a) Not to mention that he will *always* be first to hit the buzzer when he knows a question.
36) Super Solider (pick your branch of choice) - For when you absolutely, positively need to find terrorists in the next minute and a half.
37) Pizza (or any food really) delivery boy - If it doesn't come within 30 seconds, it's free.
38) Professional poker player - You can't bluff if the other guy can x-ray your cards!
39) Male muse for thus-inclined LnC fanfic authors.
40) Clark could work as a Superman impersonator. Can't tell him apart from the real thing, can you?
41) Mount - giving free rides to orphans and the like.
42) Scientist. I mean, come on, that guy can talk shop with Dr. Klein!
42a) Material researcher - try and copy the material your space ship (or the globe, for that matter) is made from
42b) Rocket engineer would work, too. Just copy your parents' work.
43) Street artist, doing sketches of passers-by. Super and fast.
44) Paper delivery boy - for all of New Troy. He'd be done in no time, really.
45) Some kind of circus artist - after all, he can do everything.
45a) Trapeze artist - never falls down, never lets his partner(s) fall, either.
45b) Strongest man of the world. Find anything he can't lift...
45c) Psychic. "Draw a card. Don't show it to me. Now, think of it very hard. Yes, I can see it..." Whether he'll simply use his X-ray vision or his Kryptonian telepathy for this trick is up to debate.
45d) Lion tamer. If a lion tried to bite or claw him, the feline would have a tooth or paw ache. No lion with a whit of sense would try that twice.
46) Private Investigator. You need to find something, he's your guy. Good at getting guys to talk. Not too bad with the ladies, either.
46a) Unless you're looking for Lois; he seems to be really good at not finding her.
47) Driver of an ice cream truck. He'd get to interact with kids, and even if the cooler died, he could make sure his ice cream didn't melt.
48) Batman's stunt double, for those awkward moments when a Bat-Line doesn't cut it.
49) Antique dealer. With his eyesight, he'd be able to spot a forgery a mile away. (Literally.)
50) Art appraiser. Ditto.
51) A gymnast known as "The Flying Kent" for his apparent defiance of the laws of gravity. (Come to think of it, Flying Kent could also be his trapeze artist name, probaly even better suited)
52) A pianist (who can play four hand pieces with only two hands)
53) A one-man band
54) A police sketch artist - he draws with perfection and has a super visual memory
55) A doctor (surgeon)
56) A pilot - if everything fails he can hold the plane
57) TV news anchor - The Superman from 2999 (Klar Ken 5477) worked broadcasting news for Ultra News.
58) A bomb squad member - if he can't disarm a bomb, he eats it. No harm done.
59) Lifeguard - who wouldn't want to be rescued by him?
60) Bodyguard - Lois could be a millionaire widow and hire him to protect her...
61) Santa Claus - he likes children and can distribute gifts faster than anyone.
62) Male nurse - helps with sponge baths, great bedside manner, and able to help lifting patients (with one finger).
63) Works with rehabilitation of burn victims - that cooling breath would do wonders.
64) Garbage Incinerator
65) Miner. Can drill without machinery and doesn't need extra light to see in the dark.
66) Test Pilot - If the plane blows up on him, he'll still survive.
66a) Test Crash Dummy
67) Alligator wrestler. See 40d.
68) He could read the legal disclaimers for television and radio commercials.
69) NASA/ESA/Russocosmos could hire him to build the lunar colony.
70) Auctioneer. Super fast bid taker.
71 - Member of the Secret Service - Who else is better suited to protecting the president?
72 - House Cleaner - *No one* can get your home cleaner, faster.
72a) This includes dust bunnies under your couch and other heavy furniture.
72b) Also includes dust on top of your highest cupboards and shelves.
72c) Not to mention truly microscopic dust particles in other places.
73) Pinball wizard, he'd never let a ball through.
74) Nuclear reactor repairman. He sits around bored all day, every day, until he's needed, but then he's there in a flash, so that you can get on with your day - radioactive free.
75) supermarket stocker
76) Home repair handyman (hubba hubba)