I'm guessing we're at about 18 now...

#18 - Chef - speciallizing in gourmet lunches in five minutes or less. laugh
#18a - Clark makes cuisine with an International style (meaning he create a wide variety of dishes from all over the world). wink
#18b - Clark also does catering on request

#19 - Cooking Teacher - If he can even teach Lois how to boil water (or burn bacon, whatever), he can teach anyone. laugh

#20 - Farmer

#21 - Deep sea diver (explorer)

#22 - Pearl diver

#23 - Underwater Treasure Hunter

(I think he actually did this in some fic! Not for a living, but for extra cash.)

#23a - His business partner is Aquaman. laugh

#24 - Teacher:
#24a - Elementary school because he's great with kids (because as a high school teacher none of his female students would pass due to drool )
#24b - English
#24c - Wood working
#24d - Welding (I know :rolleyes: , they do teach this is some schools!)
#24e - Coach

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.