Edited to correct the numbers.

54) A police sketch artist - he draws with perfection and has a super visual memory

55) A doctor (surgeon)

56) A pilot - if everything fails he can hold the plane laugh

57) TV news anchor - The Superman from 2999 (Klar Ken 5477) worked broadcasting news for Ultra News.
[Linked Image]

58) A bomb squad member - if he can't disarm a bomb, he eats it. No harm done. :p

59) Lifeguard - who wouldn't want to be rescued by him? drool

60) Bodyguard - Lois could be a millionaire widow and hire him to protect her...

61) Santa Claus - he likes children and can distribute gifts faster than anyone. laugh


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15