Smallville is horrible. Clark is such an idiot about Lana throughout the whole thing and I feel he's supposed to love Lois (or her equivelent in AUs) A story about Chloe though, would be great. I like her- she kept Clark's secret when she found out and even though she loves him, and he's going out with Lana grumble , she's still his and Lana's friend. I would love a story of Clark's boyhood with Chloe there (and probally Lana, sigh) It would be even better if Chloe somehow becomes Lois (Amnesia?, she was in a witness protection program, or Lois had been killed by Tempus as a baby so it was Clark and Chloe who were soulmates or something) and she marries Clark. (Later, when they'll meet at the daily planet- and them not recognising each other could be fun) I think Chloe deserves it- she's a great character (at least she was before I gave up on Smallvile)

Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment. ~Robert Benchley