Looking forward to reading more Couch Potato stories. I thought you weren't gonna bother coz it's been a few years since you wrote the first one. I thought it was brilliantly written and was very disapointed to find you hadn't writen anymore in the series. Oh well, I guess I can wait a few more years for part 2.

Oh, and the My Hero thing, great idea. Maybe for another episode in the series you could throw in the cheesy 60's Batman with them sitting watching it with their world's Bruce Wayne? I think given the time of L&C, that'd be the M.Keaton/V.Kilmer/G.Clooney version...

As for the HP crossover, Tempus could strand them in an alternate world at a different point in time. Clark gets hit by an Avada Kedavra curse. (Flash of green light and Kryptonite is green) So he loses his powers but doesn't die because he bounces off him. Something to do with the effect of travelling between worlds and time or the fact that his quantum signiture is different to that of the curse.... Just a rough idea off the top of my head. Something a bit more origanal than Voldemort finds Kryptonite and uses it on the boy blue scout.....