Well, actually, CP3 is, if and when it happens, going to be L&C and Bruce and Silver (St Cloud -- I have decided that that CP takes place in the same universe as my story Lois & Clark & Silver & Bruce) sitting around at Wayne Manor watching the first Keaton Batman movie. Bruce is going to laugh his head off when he sees Vicki Vale for the first time -- "That's Vicki? What happened to her red hair?" And there's a certain irony in that the Vicki character in the film was originally going to be Silver, just as "Boss Grissom" was going to be Rupert Thorne until the suits messed it all up. "Jack Napier" was nothing like as insane as Englehart's Joker, which will be another talking point -- "I wish the Joker was that predictable..."

As for the HP crossover, you can do all sorts of things given Superman's well-established vulnerability to magic, but the story would be dead boring if Clark wasn't super -- what's the point of having 2 more Muggles running around, unable to help? But if you do have Superman involved, you have to take account of the fact that super-speed gives him a big advantage. Spells in the Potterverse move slowly enough to be seen, dodged and shielded against after they've been cast; this is why I have written a story in which Moldy's Dark Army gets its collective backside handed to it by the DA, the Order and an Army batallion using standard infantry weapons. Bullets are supersonic, you see; by the time you hear a shot, it's either hit its target or is well past you. Superman is even faster.


Ping! Ping!! Ping!!! -- Mother Box
She's such a chatterbox at times...