This was delightful. I'm glad I checked the feedback thread first, since I hadn't remembered that you were just going to edit 16a into the full 16. I was looking for it to pop to the top!

I'm so glad that Kal told Lois that Ard is Tek's sister. (I even said, "Take that, Lois!" after all of her uncharitable thoughts about him. Don't be dissing my man, Tek, Lois!) Also interesting was that Kal knew about Lois's visit with Riz and that she liked the coffee. Obviously Kal is starting to ask more questions and Tek is giving a lot of answers. Go, Tek! The more I learn about him, the more I like him. smile1

I'm glad you're enjoying your trip, even if I can't deny I'm hoping you are finding time to write while you're here. smile
