Crazy busy-ness caused me to catch up on 14, 15 and 16a tonight. Given that it's past midnight, I was tempted to just sigh in private happiness and skip leaving feedback until tomorrow, but a glance at my schedule for the next few days made me realize I should do it now -- the last thing this story deserves is for me to get too busy to tell you how wonderful these last few chapters have been.

Chapter 14 was sad, but it was a conversation that absolutely needed to happen and it ended on a hopeful note. Chapter 15 was fabulous -- we learned so much about NK and Ard (I'm even more convinced Tek is good!), and I adored Riz. Someone posted in their feedback that she was like NK's version of Lois, and I love that description. But beyond that, I think she's something else very special -- Lois's first real friend, aside from Kal. Tek and Jib and Mo are all warming to her, but I think she's just connected with Riz and that connection will make them both happy. After all, no matter what planet you live on, we girls need our BFFs to talk to. goofy

As for the end of Chapter 15 -- I LOL'ed at the cliffhanger because I thought it was going to be something bad and here it turned out to be something fun -- and the beginning of Chapter 16, I just want to say how much I appreciate the tone of this story. There have been a few dark parts, no question, but overall, the tone of the story has been fresh and exciting and fascinating and thought-provoking. I'm sure we'll eventually hit some significant angst -- I don't trust Nor as far as I can throw him! -- but I also trust that you will resolve it wonderfully.

I hope you are enjoying your trip to see your daughter, and are able to log on to see your feedback. You deserve every bit of it. smile