Emma Re first trip to USA/Canada - Yes. First impressions - *very* friendly people. I'm not sure if it is the bemused looks on our faces or the fact we have half a ton of luggage or the Aussie accents but they get the idea and so many stop to offer the info we need. smile1

And ... *no* water restrictions!! smile1

Vicki We may come back through Kingston to get our flights from New York -> home.

And Vicki - I read your FDK on the Part15 thread - I'm so blown away that you're re-reading it, but also glad because you may notice some glitches and alert me to them before it goes to the archive. The disadvantage to posting before it was finished was that sometimes the chronological order got messed up in my head!

Good point you made - explanation coming.

To everyone who left FDK - a BIG thank you. clap I smiled a lot when reading it - and really appreciate your interest in my fic.

19 is written - it needs some polish before going to Iolanthe. 20 is plotted.

We're going to Toronto today!
