Ann said:

It was adorable and so appropriate that Kal wanted to turn off their translators so that he and Lois could learn each other's languages. Indeed, if Lois is going to stay on New Krypton, it would be downright wrong of her not to try to learn the Kryptonian language.
Emma said:

The Translator is so vital for her which is, of course, why it is such a good idea as she is apparently staying on New Krypton to learn to manage without it.
I'm thinking just the opposite. If Kal is going to go to Earth, he needs to know English.

Lois has made absolutely no progress whatsoever in learning Kryptonian. When Kal turned off his translator, Lois heard only guttural sounds. To her, Kryptonian doesn't even sound like a language; she doesn't hear words, she hears what sounds like the bark of a dog.

Kal stood and again offered her his hand. He led her through the room, pointing at different things as Lois gave him the names and he repeated them.
Lois isn't learning Kryptonian; Kal is learning English. Which gives me hope that maybe, just maybe, they'll make it back to Earth. smile1

I really do hope they go back to Earth. I was just re-reading the section where Jib and Lois talk about the rules on New Krypton concerning who gets first dibs on concubines razz , and I've got to tell you - I don't much like New Krypton.

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster