Yes, they should investigate ... but I don't think even Lois Lane can get an answer from a dead person about who stirred the feelings of grief into violent action.
Hmmm... "should" doesn't sound like "will". Not that it matters, because the second part of your answer would appear to indicate that my theory of what really happened the night of the masacre is totally off anyway, so I guess I'll just have to read along and see where this leads.

Re: emotions. We've actually been given plenty of clues to indicate Kryptonian emotion. Nor, obviously, knows what it is to hate - as well as feeling distain, envy, and pride. The grieving parents... grieve. A mother's love leads her to offer her own life for that of her child. Children enjoy storybooks. Tek expresses concern for his mother-in-law's health, while he and his wife worry about their children's future. [Edited to add: Now that I remember, to this we can add that Lois noticed Tek was amused when she asked if he and his wife were the parents of his children, embarrassed when she asked how his wife got pregnant, and relieved when she ended the conversation.] I'd say there is plenty of emotion, but virtually no (public) emoting. The $24,000 question is: Why?

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster