How ironic that Nor sneers over the people's "weakness" because Kal is able to positively influence them, even as he brags to himself about how easy it was to manipulate the grieving family into taking revenge. We finally see his motivation and goal. The question is, will the people he thinks he can rule allow him to drag them back into that life? Or will they rise up and fight against him, choosing instead Kal and his message of peace?

I'm really enjoying these glimpses into Tek's life. Like Kal, he starts out so distant, but Lois has earned his trust and affection, just as she earned Kal's. Not in the same way, obviously, but it's clear that Tek likes her, and appreciates the gifts she has given his children. So I love that Tek's wife has given gifts to both Kal and Lois -- proof that Tek confides in her about his day, and maybe that they've even discussed a plan to help encourage Kal and Lois to be together physically/emotionally. Kryptonians are clearly a lot more complex emotionally than we (and Lois) thought at first. thumbsup

I'm also delighted that we got our first hint of the bond coming through in Lois's dream. How many buildings over is his from hers? Obviously far enough away that she couldn't have heard his sobs physically. So I absolutely love that she just "knew" that he needed her and that she was driven to find him. Wonderful.

Now we just need Kal to find the words to get her to move into his quarters permanently. Come on, Kal, you can do it! dance