Rac Great point about there being two sides to the emotional awakening.

Kal's awareness or otherwise ... I'm just going to leave that one alone for awhile.

Thanks for your comments, Rac.

Laura As I've said before in replies to FDK, there is so much I'd like to say, but so little I can.

What I can say is that the resolution to one of the issues you raised is exactly where I'm at in writing the fic.

Thanks, Laura.

Ann Actually this was not really meant to tease. The part got bigger than I had originally intended and I really wanted to finish with them together.

Lois grinned and pulled away. “I have an idea,” she said.

“About what?”

“Come to the bed and I’ll show you.”
I admit the word 'bed' was suggestive, but they have a desk, a chair and a bed, so there really aren't too many options! I think that if Lois was intent on seduction, the mood would have been different.

As you said -
But I don't think that will happen, not now and not like that. If Lois really had such bold plans, she would be more nervous about it.
True - and the first scene of the next part will be sweet ... not hot.

(I do have a *shameless* cliffhanger in the works. I sent it to Iolanthe who says I have to use it, so if I do, you can blame her!!!)

You have said that there will be no nfic scenes.
That doesn't mean they won't make love. That means I have no intention at this point to write it in detail.

Your explanation of Nor's motivation is spot on. He doesn't care about the Kryptonian people. He cares about power for himself and victory for the South.

I love that Tek has won you over. His part is this fic is only just beginning.

Thanks for all your thoughts, Ann.


Yes, they should investigate ... but I don't think even Lois Lane can get an answer from a dead person about who stirred the feelings of grief into violent action.

Yes ... Kal is married. That definitely needs a resolution. wink

Thanks so much for your FDK, Vicki.


Nor - In TNAOS, I remember Nor being evil, but not particularly bright (I could be wrong, I usually fast forward through his scenes). In this fic, his reasoning is totally illogical - but he is so blinded by hatred and the need for power, he can't even see that.

Kryptonians are clearly a lot more complex emotionally than we (and Lois) thought at first.
I remember some early FDK about whether Kryptonians were human or not - given their lack of emotions. It was a fascinating discussion, but I so wanted to say 'just wait until we get to know them a bit better.'

Thanks, Kathy.
