by Debbie G
It is way too late for me to be posting this, but I have to defend poor Dr. Ledderman.

Clark is impossible, according to our current understanding of the way the universe works. Not just slightly impossible, but extremely impossible. Dr. Ledderman, like Lois before him, can be excused for not considering this possibility until he sees incontrovertible proof. As Carl Sagan liked to say, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." Any scientist who went straight to the conclusion that Superman was involved from the evidence Dr. Ledderman has seen so far would not be a very good scientist.
You are absolutely right, Debbie. Extraordinary claims do require extraordinary evidence. That is a good maxim which will keep all of us from getting conned. (I really don't expect to get $42 million from Nigerian oil money, just by giving my bank account number to someone who e-mailed me.)

But, in our defense, (and just for the sake of argument) when someone says, "Clark Kent", don't you automatically think, "Superman"? It's word association. You know - "Salt" - "Pepper". Or "Knife" - "Fork". There's been seventy years of pop culture supporting that association.

And, if you're thinking "Superman", don't you then start thinking about Superman's powers?

Also, if Dr. Ledderman is thinking about alternate worlds, why not make the mental leap? Doesn't his mind, or his thinking, have to be crazy enough, to understand the kind of theory that allows him to know how this whole "dimensional rift" thing is happening? If he's a "mad scientist", isn't he crazy already? I guess he's either not crazy enough, or not crazy in the right way.

“I’ve been in Hawaii…” Agent White began.

At that Dr. Ledderman looked up sharply. “You went to see that charlatan before you came to me? He’s a laughingstock…”

“Your reputation isn’t much better than his,” Agent White said, “Although out experts say that your mathematics are better.”
So maybe Dr. Ledderman could make the mental leap.

But I can see your point, too - a point which is very well taken, and very believable. I just think it's funny that Shayne wrote Dr. Ledderman that way. It certainly makes for a better story.

Shayne, if you're reading this, keep up the story! It's great to see Clark come out of the closet. And in our world!

I'm still snickering about the jet pilots and their reactions to the sight of Superman. A priceless moment.

Two of the sleek looking fighters were coming alongside him and he could hear the comments of the pilots inside.

“We have the bogie in sight. It’s….”

The voice stopped suddenly and Clark turned his head to look at the pilot. He wasn’t concealing himself now, but it would have been useful to have a radio or some sort of way to communicate.

Undoubtedly the comic book writers would have given his counterpart something silly like super-ventriloquism.

“You’d better look at the feed for yourself.”

“What is it?”

“I’d like to stay out of the nuthouse, respectfully sir. Just check the feed.”

There was silence on the pilot’s radio for almost a minute before the voice reappeared. “This is some kind of joke. It’s not funny.”

“You’re seeing what I’m seeing,” the pilot insisted.

A second plane came up on the other side of him. “I’m seeing it too, I think.”

Clark smiled and waved a little.
Also, Shayne, I'd like to hear more of the presentation that Agent White is giving to Lois and Dr. Ledderman (hint, hint).

More, Shayne, more! Please!