Delightful. Just wonderful.
four of the six forty foot shipping containers
With six to transport it will be easy to figure out where he is and track him. This means the US Air Force and the media both. By the time he lifts off with #6 he is going to be live on CNN, NBC and all the rest!
His best bet would be to fly into space, where he could move as quickly as he wanted to as long as he could avoid orbits with high flying debris. With no wind resistance he could accelerate to almost full speed.
So every defense system on the planet will be tracking him! Also thousands of amateur astronomers will see him when trying to watch satellites and the space station.
The voice on the radio ... "If it’s really who it looks like..."
Yeah, everyone knows who this is, and he's doing exactly what everyone would expect him to be doing in the circumstances.

clap clap clap clap
Originally posted by DebbieG:
And here Lois is proved absolutely correct. By being Superman, Clark has 60 years of people's built-in expectations and feelings to work on. If he'd been dressed in any other costume they would have fired on him.
Very good point!
