Eep! How could I have left this feedback so long un-replied to?! Bad me! Thank you all so much for the wonderful feedback! I'm so thrilled that you enjoyed the angst and the revelation! dance

Dave – You already know you're my hero. Thanks for the best feedback ever. wink

Sas – Thanks again for all your help with this one! I love that the angst comes off really well for you. evil

Ann – About the revelation – I don't see it so much as Clark only revealing things to her because he'd given up completely on them. He felt defeated, yeah, but he hasn't given up all hope. wink

I cannot say that anyone has ever explained Lois's and Clark's feelings following her rejecting him and soliciting Superman, as well as you did here
Wow, Sheila! That's a wonderful compliment! Thank you! smile

Wendy – Ooh! I made you delurk! *g* I love that you picked up on the sharing of the blame, the compromising – one of the main things I was trying to get across, I think: it wasn't one person's fault more than the other, really. Hurt feelings on both sides more than blame, and that's just something they have to work through. laugh

Thanks again, everyone! smile


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