YAY!!!! A Sara Story!!!! hyper And hurray for Mel, too. wink

I already told you how much I like this. Love it, even!

He covered his eyes with one large hand, and she could see his brow was furrowed and his shoulders were tensed up. His hand pulled slowly down over his nose, his cheeks, his mouth, as if he'd physically painted a mask of anguish with his palm as it descended. It curled into a fist at his chin and he held it there for a moment, the raw emotion written clearly on his face. His hand fell and his shoulders slumped.
mecry Poor poor Clark! And oh, the angst!

Some feeble attempt at an apology teased at her mouth, but it wouldn't come. There was just no way to say sorry for something like that, was there? Had she hurt him that much? She could almost feel the remembered pain coming off him in waves. No, it wasn't just remembered pain; it was still there, had been there the whole time they'd been dating, lingering dangerously under the surface. And now it was coming to a head, bubbling with anger.
Both quotes are just so beautiful! I can feel the angst coming of it. And it shows how happy Mel is to be back. Really, really brilliant stuff, Sara! Oh, and lovely revelation, too.

Saskia smile

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!