SQUEE! *hugs story* You sneaky girl, Sara, all these weeks and I never suspected it might be you!

I love how you dived right into the fight without any setup. Pulls me right in.

"You can't stay mad forever," he baited.
Heh. You wanna bet?

His heart sank a little more at the nearly imperceptible flinch she made at his movement. He dared another step.

"Stop." The fire was gone, as well as the ice. He hated the slight tremor of fear that'd replaced them.
Ouch! She's afraid of him?

"Tell me just what was so important that you had to leave last night. Tell me why you didn't answer your phone. Tell me why I spent the night half worried sick about you and half wondering what the hell I could have done to make you loathe my presence so much."
Oh, Lois. *hugs Lois* Sara, this is a great paragraph. Her pain is articulated so well, something that they didn't cover on the show well at all.

his mind flashed to the mangled metal and smashed glass. The torn flesh and the... He hadn't been in time anyway. Everything had gone wrong last night.
Fabulous detail.

He'd been hoping for... What? A candlelit dinner?
No, Clark, that's too little, too late. Just go for broke, dude.

She gave an almost imperceptible nod and hugged herself tighter.
*hugs Lois again* Once again, great attention to detail and emotion.

"I can't be stuck in here!" She pounded more, then leaned forward against the door in defeat. Her next words were barely a whisper, but he caught them all the same. "Not with you."

If she couldn't bear his presence anymore, he'd take her home. No waiting this time. Silently, he floated up to the ceiling and disengaged the metal door from its frame.

He heard a breathless "Oh my god" and looked back down at her in utter defeat. He offered her a silent hand. "C'mere," he said softly. "I'll take you home now."
eek Well, that's certainly going for broke!

"No, why didn't you tell me about Lex? Why would you let me... How could you stand by and watch me get hurt? You said you loved me. Didn't you care enough?"

A brief look of shock crossed his face before it was replaced with anger and a not so small amount of hurt. "Didn't *I* care enough? Do you remember, Lois? Do you remember what you said to me?"
Ohh, is Clark about to let his claws out, too?

His hand pulled slowly down over his nose, his cheeks, his mouth, as if he'd physically painted a mask of anguish with his palm as it descended. It curled into a fist at his chin and he held it there for a moment, the raw emotion written clearly on his face.
I can see this so clearly.

"So, we're just going to see who can cut the deepest now? Don't tempt me, Clark. I don’t think you want to start that battle."
Actually, I think that maybe he does.

"Why, Lois?* Why*? Because you broke my heart, that's why. Twice in one day, and don't think I could have handled telling you goodnight, let alone why you shouldn't marry the man who tried to kill me on more than one occasion. He was my worst enemy, and not just because he got to ask first and you said yes."
Yeah, I think Clark is going to win this round. Sorry, Lois.

This is a great story, Sara. I really like a good fight (as long as it's not in my own house!) smile Thank you so much!

lisa in the sky with diamonds