Cozy was the word that described it best. There was a bunch of smooth pillows around him and underneath his fingers he found velvet skin. Heaven couldn’t be better. Soft lips touched his and trailed across his face. Above these incredible lips there were a beautiful nose and eyes like dark honey. Looking into them was amazingly sweet, but even better was the glance they returned. They were admiring and loving. They virtually caressed every inch of him without having to touch. Dark strands of hair were tickling his chest. For the first time, the face of the woman he encountered in his dreams belonged to a real person. If he hadn’t been dreaming, Clark would have denied that he wished Lois would be so nice to him in real life.
I loved this, Barbara. In one of the - well, prequels? - to this, you described how another loving female showed her affection for Clark, and I thought it was Lois. It turned out to be Becca instead. Now, when I saw the word "cozy" and saw that Clark was in bed, I thought he was being a happy father and had Becca sleeping snuggled up to him. But he was having a dream about Lois. I love how you show us that Clark loves two women in his life, and the question is how he is going to bring all three of them together so that they can be a happy family.

I liked the rest of the chapter, too, particularly, as someone has already pointed out, this line:

“So, you’re just a big coward, huh?”
I hope you will manage to bring Lois into the story soon, though, because I missed her during the rest of the chapter.
