oooh! I get to be first! wink
(hey, btw - little blue arrow on your post would be a good idea. hehe!)

Ralph Spagoda said, “FireWind, are you Superman’s son?”
umm... are you sure that's his name? LOL!
Did they really ever give him a last name? In The Phoenix, Lois says "I should have known better than to order chinese food from a place called Ralph's Pagoda." - mind you if they actually gave him that as a last name, they should get a prize for the most hilarious choice of a last name ever. wink

He had the feeling that if he wanted to that J’on J’onzz, aka The Martian Manhunter, could kill him with a thought.
He could, but I don't think he's gonna. He's a good guy. smile

“Yeah, she suggested that, too. Lord Krypton.”
Fitting. smile

He could just imagine how well it was going over for Brook and Jama to realize that Lara could do something they couldn’t.
Awww! Poor girls - I remember what it's like to not be able to do something a younger sibling can... Someone needs to tell them it doesn't mean they're not special too and they have talents that little Lara doesn't have yet. (or they'll end up like me and spend half their lives thinking they're in a competition. *sigh*)

J’on nodded and smiled. <I think you really need to be at the meeting. I’ll suggest rescheduling it. Better yet, I’ll say *you* wanted it rescheduled.>
Nice touch! smile They'll reschedule for Supes of course. hehe

“Mike? *I’m* Mike, Jon. At least in those particular instances, I was. Maybe I was before, too. I’m not sure.”
Oooh! NICE!!

Don’t be afraid because of what your brother did.
swiss cheese memory kicking in... what did his brother do? /me confused

She smiled. “Yes, she will. Tell her to look in her dad’s novel that’s sitting on her bookshelf.”
Oh, I can't wait to find out what's in there!! You know me, I love mysteries! smile

smile Looking forward to the next part!!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies