Thanks, Lara.

He could, but I don't think he's gonna. He's a good guy.
Yeah, he's a good guy.

Awww! Poor girls - I remember what it's like to not be able to do something a younger sibling can... Someone needs to tell them it doesn't mean they're not special too and they have talents that little Lara doesn't have yet. (or they'll end up like me and spend half their lives thinking they're in a competition. *sigh*)
Oh, I'm sure they know. But Clark might have to remind.

Nice touch! [Smile] They'll reschedule for Supes of course. hehe
Well, considering that he technically is supposed to be the leader, I'd hope so.

swiss cheese memory kicking in... what did his brother do? /me confused
He had a little roll in the hay (literally) with a girl he barely knew. That's how he lost his virginity. Then of course he propositioned a prostitute when he was 15 (said prostitute was a police woman).

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~