Thanks, Ann.

You know I'm very fond of Hannah and Jon, so I really appreciated that teasing little interplay.
More of Hannah and Jon in the next chapter.

Love the "unskittish" thing.
Made up a new word…

Oh, gaaaaahh. I have had surgery once, but I was mercifully asleep during the entire procedure. The idea of being awake and more or less aware of what they are doing to you during surgery sounds just horrible to me.
If you have procedures with local anesthesia, you can still often feel the pulling and tugging sensations. I just extended that so that general anesthesia would not actually make Kryptonians or Krypterrans go to sleep - so it would be more like local anesthesia. It doesn’t hurt, but it can be unnerving.

I always liked the Martian Manhunter. There was a sort of melancholy wisdom about him, a sort of "Know thyself" kind of quality, a kind of "Do whatever good you can do and accept the bad things you can't change" philosophy about him.
Yes, I like J’on J’onzz, too.

Lord Krypton. It sounds cold and threatening. K'al is certainly Clark's least likable child - not that Clark had any part in raising him, of course.
Yes, he is cold and threatening. Wait til the next part.

It's been years since I read Brave New World. Hmmm. Were people mass-produced there to meet certain "quality requirements", like cars? You know, this person was made to function like a small Japanese car, but this other person was churned out to be like a burly SUV?
I don’t know. You’d have to ask Olympe. It was her suggestion. I’ve never read Brave New World.

Right now, in this situation, Jon is like a small child.
Glad you caught that.

Now, Jon, listen to me. Don’t be afraid to love Hannah. If you continue to be afraid, you will lose her - just like I almost lost your dad. I was afraid, too. But Jon, I know you are more afraid of yourself than you are of Hannah. Don’t be afraid because of what your brother did.”
Good. Tell him, Lois.
You’ll like the next part (which I will be posting as soon as I read it one more time).

She smiled and caressed his cheek. “Of course I do. I’m his mother. Oh, yes, I know I didn’t give birth to him, but he is my son.
Oh, I love this.
Thank you.

And so Lois disappears like a fading dream. Will Jon remember her when he wakes up? Will he tell Claire what Lois said? Will he tell his Dad anything?
Yes, he remembers.

Oh, and I hope I will see Los stand up to K'al too, of course.
He might not win, but he’ll stand up to him, and he will defy him, and he will do things that will make his brother furious.

True enough. I was just teasing, though.

Best to give her some warning so she wouldn’t totally freak out. Wouldn’t want her to think her sister was sleeping with two different guys, would we?
Why not? You're no fun!
Well, you wouldn’t want her to get up and announce to the huge family gathering that Clark Kent was Superman.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~