I agree with Lara that this CAN'T be all of it! This is just too good a start NOT to continue! Who was Becca's mom, what killed her, and what was her relationship with Clark? Did she know about his powers? Is that why she trusted her child with him? And what happened to Becca's biological father? Lots of wonderful avenues to explore!

But I disagree with Lara that mining gold (on land with no claim on it, of course) would be cheating. Looting a sunken ship, yes, if there were any reasonable chance for a normal recovery of items (and think about what's been brought up from the Titanic and how deep it sits), but not if it's down in the bottom of, say, the Marianas Trench (up to 40,000 feet deep).

But if he wants to keep his powers secret, he won't do that. It wouldn't be a good idea for someone in a business suit and no deep-sea submersible to suddenly appear with some Spanish gold from a 16th century shipwreck and try to convert it into cash. The lawsuits would stretch from here to the next three Tank endings, and the questions about how and where he found those historical artifacts would keep three major newspapers in business for months. No, he just has to get hired at the Planet! Perry, get ready to be impressed!

Now hurry up and post the next chapter! We're already impressed!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing