Thanks, guys!!

A pity I couldn't see the look on her face in that very moment. Must've been something like that: shock eek
Something like that....

He nodded but was clasping his hands tightly. "It's just... it's just.. a little.. umm... unnerving seeing Los do that to my wife." Caitlyn nodded in understanding. He spoke to Lady Rya and repeated the conversation in Kryptonian.

I can sympathize with that! I really can.
Yeah, just imagine that was his identical twin ...

Just a little bit funny, that snappy remark. It's very obvious she is in pain...
Hmmm.... might have to let her get nasty during transition.

Oh, she reminds me so much of Lois, curious as a cat. And how she blurts out the question after the sequel - could she have the Lane babble-gene, somehow?
It does sound like she got a babble gene, doesn't it?

At that moment, both Mari and Clark jerked their heads up and looked towards the second floor. Clark thought, <~K'al, who is that, and why is she in distress?~>

Oh, so she has practiced her telepathy, too. I wonder how she knew about it if Clark himself discovered it so much later. But then, he figured out a way to cut his hair much earlier than she...
No, they both heard it. As you will see later in the story, the telepathy is a surprise to her. Clark was directing his thoughts specifically to K'al. When he was speaking to K'al, she may have just thought he was distracted or was looking to see what was going on. She couldn't 'hear' what he was saying.

I'm running out of superlatives here. What beats divine? Brilliant? Ingenious? Too good to be true?

So wonderfully innocent! Totally adorable. I love Lara. She's the best of the lot! I just hope she won't outgrow being like this, but cuteness usually does.
Yeah, they do outgrow this, don't they. Ah, well, she's got a few more years....

Nice way of making sure he has always (?) been interested in Claire - even before the Purple Pixie rescued him. Unlike the start Lois and Clark had, huh?
It was serendipity when he realized Claire and the Pixie were one and the same.

"Yeah. Didn't know you were here. I'll be right down."

How could she have not heard him? Or is she only acting?
Could be she was acting. Could be she was distracted and wasn't paying any attention. It's a big house. My thoughts are that she was distracted. Maybe she was primping for his arrival.

Poor Mari, My heart goes out to her. She now has a new home where she will get even more love.
Yes.... lots of love.

I like Meowoof's "chutzpah" for asking for some turkey. Good Girl!
Yeah, she thinks she runs the place, doesn't she?

I love the introduction to Chloe's boyfriend.
Thanks. Somebody asked me - maybe in the last feedback thread - if he had been mentioned before. He was, but until now he has only been mentioned in passing.

I hope that you don't drag out poor Rya's labour as I'm realiably told that it will cause her more distress.
Nah. At this point, she's only been in labor for a short time. Currently the story is set on a Sunday. She will have the baby on Sunday, because I don't want her to have the baby the next day. (You'll see why in the next part.)

Keep on supplying us with such good feelings.
Thanks, Stuart!! You guys just make me blush - and smile - a lot!!! laugh blush

When they get back a lot of time had pass in New Krypton.
Yes, a lot of time will have passed. No one will think that there was even the possibility that Rya was pregant when she and K'al were married.

She was adopted.
Yes, she is. Her biological mother probably couldn't stand the idea of raising a child that had come about because of rape. But she did still give her life.

Love is in the air!
Yeah. Now, if we can just keep Alex out of the mix. devil

She better be Pixie or he is dead.
Oh, she is. She has 'the dimple'.

Again, thank you so much!!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~