Hi Classicalla,

I've just come home from work and read Part 32.

I can only say... clap dance

Poor Mari, My heart goes out to her. She now has a new home where she will get even more love.

He felt a paw on his leg. He looked down and saw a cat. He chuckled. "So you must be the infamous Meowoof. I've heard about *you*. You think your half dog, don't you?" She rewarded him with a plaintive 'meow'. "Uh-huh. You want a bite of turkey, I guess. Okay, but just one bite. You probably aren't supposed to eat from the table."

Meowoof gobbled the bite of turkey. She could talk these people into anything. This was such a lively household. There were always so many people here! She then looked up at Marisol. "Meooow. Meow," she begged.

Mari grinned. "Okay. One bite from me, too. But that's all!"
I like Meowoof's "chutzpah" for asking for some turkey. Good Girl!

A very tall young man with green eyes and auburn hair smiled at her. "Hey. I'm Ben. You seen Chloe?"

She just shook her head no. "Nuh-huh. Haven't met her. I'm Mari."

He nodded. "Nice to meet you. Chloe is my girlfriend. She's one of the twins." He walked towards the refrigerator. "Oooh. Looks good." He proceeded to fix himself a plate. He walked over and hit the intercom to Chloe's and Claire's room. "Chloe?"

"Yeah. Didn't know you were here. I'll be right down." Ben smiled like a besotted fool.
I love the introduction to Chloe's boyfriend.

I hope that you don't drag out poor Rya's labour as I'm realiably told that it will cause her more distress.

Roll on Grandpa Clark - it will be very good medicine for him.

I'm looking forward to more on Claire and Trace, Los and Mari as well as more of the family.

Claire ran down the stairs and towards the game room. She stopped right before entering the room and checked herself out to make sure she was presentable. She walked in and shyly said, "Hi, Trace." She bit her lip.

He grinned and then unable to resist, he said knowingly, "Hi, Pixie."

"Pixie?" Claire said innocently and incredulously. She swallowed hard and didn't know what to say.
This is just beautiful.

Fantastic cliffhangers and story. There is so much I could of quoted the whole episode because it is so good.

Keep on supplying us with such good feelings.

With best regards,
