I'm also pressed for time - aren't I always these days? - but I read and very much enjoyed this.I marvel at your ability to bring in new people into this story al the time and make all of them interesting, too. Fantastic. Meowoof is certainly right about this:

Meowoof gobbled the bite of turkey. She could talk these people into anything. This was such a lively household. There were always so many people here! She then looked up at Marisol. "Meooow. Meow," she begged.
Couldn't agree more! And hey, i want to give Meowoof a piece of turkey too, and I want to pat her, and scratch behind her ear, and run my hand down her back just so, and tickle her tummy just a little, and take a look at her paws - cat paws are so adorable! What do you call those little hairless patches? Pads? Are they pink or black? It's adorably cute when some of the pads are pink and others are black. Oh, my! And I want to hear Meowoof purr, of course! smile1

I, too, loved the development between Trace and Claire. I loved that he could tell the difference between the twins, and that he knew that Claire was Pixie. I want to see much more of Claire and Trace, and I want Jimmy to adopt him, too.

It was nice to meet Ben, too. He seemed like a nice boy.

And poor Marisol Stuart! Imagine losing your entire family like that. I feel like you have made her the Alt-Clark of this story, Nancy. Well, she should make a very good addition to this story.

And I wanted to hug Los! What a kind, lovely young man he really is - he's going to be a great healer. Too bad he's going to return to stuffy New Krypton. Living in a society like that one can't be good for anyone.

I was a bit disappointed that Rya didn't give birth in this chapter. But then again, that means I have a lot to look forward to in the next part.

This really is a great story, Nancy. You know, it feels totally like a very good soap opera, one that could go on for weeks, months or possibly years, while we look on and see what happens to all these people in it, and how they live their lives.
