Wow. Thanks again for the wonderful feedback (and for the birthday wishes!). I'm glad y'all enjoyed my birthday present to you. This is one of my favorite sections of the story; I had so much fun writing it.

I laughed and I cried and I cheered. Laughed over the Smallville references, cried over the part when Lois was realizing what she would be losing and cheered when Lois said that there was nothing she couldn't do!!!!

Well, I could quote all the parts I loved about this, but I'd just end up with one long quote starting with "Chapter 3: We Have A Lot to Stalk About" and continuing non-stop through "Maybe something burgundy."
Wow, thanks. smile smile

love the chapter title.

Your chapter titles are hilarious -- what a creative addition to a terrific story!!
Well, I'd love to take credit for this one, but I can't. When I showed a piece of this to Kaethel a couple of weeks ago, I was still struggling to find a title for the story, and she suggested "We Have A Lot to Stalk About." I was in stitches, but knew it wasn't appropriate for the whole story. But I just couldn't get it out of my head, so the idea of using chapter titles was born.

OMG Lana is answering his phone now?? Grrr, I hate her so much.

Ooh, that really frosts my cookies. What does she think she is all of a sudden, woman of the house (well apmt <g>)?

Lana is answering the PHONE at Clark's now? NO!!!
I told you she was evil. You can't say you weren't warned. <G>

i'm glad she figured out that clark's declaration of love was real. too bad she thinks the offer expired.
I'm glad everyone liked the Lois' little revelation that she knew Clark meant what he said, but didn't press the issue. I've always thought this was the only explanation. How could she have possibly doubted him that day at the park.

This is pathetic. Following around, thats depressing.
Well, I'm sorry you saw it that way. It certainly wasn't meant to be depressing. It was meant to be funny, at least until Lois realized what she could be losing.

As for Lois pursuing Clark, I have ideas:
Thanks for the suggestions, Gabriele. The story is actually already finished, so I can't really use them, but I hope you'll like what I came up with just as well. If it's not satisfying, you can always write your own version, and I'll be sure to read that. smile

Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen