Happy Birthday, Annie!!

You know I'm loving this, but I just had to highlight a couple of my favorite lines:

She had no doubt that he was lying when he said he?d never loved her, but she was just as certain that he had closed the door on the possibility of a relationship with her. He had probably wanted to spare himself the pain and embarrassment of going through the same thing again, so he had convinced himself that it was for the best and that eventually he?d get over her. And now, apparently, he had.
I *adore* this. It just makes such perfect sense. Lois would have to be blind *and* deaf not to have figured out that Clark was telling the truth that day in the park, so the only question in my mind was why she accepted his explanation that he'd lied so readily. And this fits the bill in so many ways. Very nicely done!

She was Lois Lane. There was nothing she couldn?t do!
Yay!! There's our Lois! You get 'em, girlfriend! <g>
