First things first: Happy Birthday!

Well, I could quote all the parts I loved about this, but I'd just end up with one long quote starting with "Chapter 3: We Have A Lot to Stalk About" and continuing non-stop through "Maybe something burgundy."

One thing I'll comment on is Lois' thought process in analyzing Clark's withdrawl of his declaration of love. I agree totally with Kathy's comments. I never liked how, in the show, Clark tells Lois he doesn't love her, and she just accepts that at face value. He is so obviously in love with her, not only do we know, but Perry knows, Jimmy knows, and according to Bobby Big-Mouth, just about everyone else knows. Clark himself tells Lois, "You must have known." You did a wonderful job of explaining why, if Lois knows Clark loves her, she doesn't challange him when he recants.

Well, what can I say that someone else hasn't said already? One thing I liked was that you did not have Lois make her cutting Smallville comments (very funny, BTW), and just leave it at that. I'm glad you had her recall all the pleasant memories from her trip to Smallville, ending with that hug in the pond.

I also liked Lois' realization that, if not Lana, someone else. No matter who, there'd be no more late night movies & a pizza with someone else's husband. Very poignant as she wonders how long it will take until she is just a name on a Christmas card list.

One small correction - in the section at the movies, there is a typo. The text says, "Clark was a great guy, but he was still and guy".

I'm glad you ended by giving us something to look forward to. Like Tank, I'm wondering if Clark is as oblivious to what is going on as Lois seems to think he is. I can't wait to see Lois in action!

- Vicki wave

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster